(员工每周有一天去大学学习与工作有关的科目的)脱产学习制,在职进修制 Day release is a system in which workers spend one day each week at a college in order to study a subject connected with their work.
The mix between RPG, hack and slash, and action/ adventure made this game a big hit from its first day of release. 它融合了角色扮演,激烈的战争,惊险的动作与冒险。
He said he was busy over the weekend, so he decided to get it on the first day of release. 他说,自己周末很忙,所以决定在发售第一天就来购买。
The walls include phase-changing materials, or PCMs, that store heat during the day and release it at night. 它的体含有相变材料,该种材料可在日间储存热量,然后在晚间把它释放出来。
As the day of his release in February 1990 had drawn near, some confidants worried he might disappoint. 随着他在1990年2月出狱的日期临近,一些心腹密友曾担心他可能会让人失望。
The next day, Intel announced plans to release a completely wire-free personal computer by 2016& no power cord, no monitor cable, nothing. 就在这条消息曝光后的次日,英特尔公司(Intel)也宣布将在2016年以前推出一款完全不需要任何电线的个人电脑,也就是说既不需要电源线,也不需要显示器连接线。
You have become accustomed to me addressing you on this day, when we release our quarterly results. 你们已经习惯了我在公布季度业绩的这一天向你们致意。
As was mentioned in an earlier post, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire set a Guinness World Record as the fastest selling DVD on its first day of release in stores. 同样地在较早的职位被提到,哈利波特与火焰杯在商店中创造如在它的第一天的放映上的最快速的销售数字化视频光的一个金尼斯世界纪录。
The day of release has finally come. 这个版本的释放日期终于到了!
The junior sale manager is attending a day release course. 这位资历浅的销售经理正在参加一个在职学习日的课程。
Using the incremental update mechanism, so download time is reduced to a minimum so that we one day be able to release more virus database packages in order to improve protection. 使用增量的更新机制,让下载时间减少到最低水平,使我们一天能够释放更多的病毒库包,以改善防护。
Last month, the Guardian reported on workers who claimed they had been dismissed from a call centre and replaced by prisoners on day release earning a fraction of the minimum wage. 《卫报》(Guardian)上月报道称,一家呼叫中心的工作人员声称被解雇,一批当天获释的犯人取代了他们,因为该呼叫中心付给这些犯人的薪酬仅为最低工资几分之一。
Aldon uses Agile Manager in-house every day and will release new versions on a3 month basis or more frequently as determined by the community. Aldon内部每天都使用敏捷管理器,并且会每三个月或者更短的时间(这由社区决定)就发布新的版本。
Shake a leg, regular exercise is critical to stress management, and mini workouts during the day can release pent-up energy. 摇晃下腿,做做惯常的运动,能让你更适应压力管理,而在一天之中小小的休息下能够释放被压抑的能量。
She was attending a day release course for hotel manager. 她在参加专为饭店经理而设的脱产学习课程。
How does a day release course operate? 脱产进修具体怎么搞?
One day ahead of its scheduled release, Olympus'EP-1 micro four thirds digital camera has been leaked. 奥林巴斯EP-1M4/3数码相机预订的公布日期,不过现在这款相机的规格和外观已经在网上泄露。
Tom attends the technical college on day release. 汤姆每周一天到工学院去修课。
If this happens day in and day out without physical release, stress can inflict its damage by affecting the very network that is supposed to guard your health: your immune system. 如果这种情况在没有物理释放的前提下日复一日的发生,压力造成的伤害将会影响整个系统对你健康的守护:比如你的免疫系统。
The punishment of criminals in China is carried out strictly according to the law, from the day they are taken into custody to the day of their release at the end of their sentence. 在中国,对罪犯执行刑罚,从收押罪犯之日起,到刑满释放为止,都严格依法办事。
Yorkshire Forward built a bakery there and Mr foster agreed to take serving prisoners on day release, and those leaving prison, to work for him. yorkshireforward在那里开了家面包店,福斯特同意让处于监外执行期的犯人和那些即将出狱的犯人为他工作。
Judges had offered her the chance of day release, if she agreed to take a job outside the prison walls. 法官最近给了她一个机会,只要她同意在监狱外面工作,就允许她能在白天获得人身自由。
Juergen: Personally, I hope that SAP will one day allow us to release Blue Ruby under an open source license and I am working towards this. Juergen:就我而言,我希望SAP有一天能允许我们在开源许可证下发布BlueRuby,我正在为此而努力。
These walls absorb heat during the day, and release it during the night. 这些墙壁白天吸收热气,晚上就释放出来。
In winter, it can absorb solar energy during the day and at night it slowly release the heat. 冬天时,白天它可以吸收太阳能,夜晚缓慢释放;
The prisoners, some of whom are on day release, earn 20 a week but Mr Aylott denies that cheap labour is a factor in the company's success. 犯人的周薪为20英镑,其中一些犯人正处于监外执行期。但艾洛特否认廉价劳动力是该公司成功的一个因素。
To our surprise, on the same day after the animal release, we were informed that TM's kidney unexpectedly responded to the medication and turned around. 但令人非常惊讶的是,就在那一天放生后没多久,我们被告知TM的肾无预期的突然对药物有了反应,状况好转。
That first day brought her a feeling of release. 这第一天就给她带来了如释重负的感觉。
Long lasting phosphorescent glass/ ceramics ( LLPG/ LLPC) can store sunlight in day and release visible-light at night. 能够白天储光、晚上发光的玻璃/陶瓷称为长余辉发光玻璃/陶瓷(又称为夜光玻璃/陶瓷)。
The release amount was greater in day than in night. Intelligent Release 夜间12h释放量大于白天12h释放量